The Greatest
Film Props in Movie History:
In this revised featured section
of Filmsite,
there are literally hundreds and hundreds of examples of great
movie props. The word "prop" is shorthand for "property" -
referring to things, items, or objects on the set that are
part of the design and production of a film.
The greatest movie props evoke a
sense of nostalgia and cultural relevance, and a well-selected,
recognizable and iconic prop can serve as a symbol for the
entire plot of a film. The variety of props may be endless
-- maps, masks, traps, machines, visual gag items, costuming
parts, tools, weapons, furniture or artwork, unique animals/creatures,
valuables, character references, MacGuffins, symbols, mementos,
the subject of the film, and even a character in itself.
The vast number of props are vehicles, costumes, or weapons,
and as many as possible have been comprehensively incorporated
into this illustrated list.
>> See related article: The
Greatest Film Props in Movie History |